Friday 9 October 2020

Augmented Reality Suite - HoloLens, Android, iOS

 Augmented Reality has multiple use cases in various industries. AR suite is developed for an OEM keeping in mind to solve day to day problems faced by workers.

AR Suite Supports:

  • Remote Assistance : For site worker to call an expert at any time and share experience using AR video calling. Where both parties can able to mark and annotate on video in real time. 
  • Field Assistance : For some well defined problem scenarios, AR can help employee by displaying a virtual 3D animation overlapped  on top of real machine.
  • QR Diagnosis:  Scanning QR image to identify the machine and displaying real time information in real world.
As this was a client application and cannot be shared, below is relevant video covering same use-cases.

Technologies Used:
  1. Unity3D
  2. Mixed Reality Tool Kit - Hololens
  3. ARCore - Android
  4. ARKit - iOS

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